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The Story So Far

It wasn’t until he turned forty-eight that Jim Wirth started to take an interest in Memento Mori objects. That was the age that his father was when he passed away. Reflecting on this, Jim realized how special each new day was, and he decided that he wanted something small to carry in his pocketoriginal carpe diem coin every day as a reminder that each day is a gift – it would need to have a skull on it as a reminder that death waits for us all, and a symbol to show that time is passing by. In order to make this idea become a reality, Jim had his son Will teach him to use 3-D modeling software. With this newly acquired skill, Jim designed and 3D printed the original Carpe Diem coin. This original Carpe Diem coin has a skull with a watch gear (an “escapement” gear) in the forehead on one side, with the words “Time Flies” and “Death Waits.”  The back of the coin simply reads “Make an Incredible Life” and “Carpe Diem.”  After carrying this coin with him for a few days Jim realized how much it helped to keep him grounded and he began to think about how others might benefit from something like this as well.

Jim then decided to design a new and improved minted Carpe Diem coin – this time using meaningful Latin phrases such as Memento Mori (“remember death”) and Tempus Fugit (“time flies”) on the side with his “Tempus Fugit” skull design, and the tree of life on the other side with the Latin phrases Fac Vitam Incredibilem (“make an incredible life”), Memento Vivere (“remember New Carpe Diem Cointo live”) and Carpe Diem (“Seize the Day”). Jim decided that the best way to start this endeavor and spread the word was through a Kickstarter campaign. The Kickstarter included the new Carpe Diem coin in several different finishes, as well as two skull-themed worry stones that Jim designed, the Memento Mori Worry Stone and the Tempus Fugit Worry Stone. It was a huge success, and backers of the campaign were left wanting more! Once the Carpe Diem coins began appearing on various EDC social media posts, Jim decided to launch a second Kickstarter campaign for a Carpe Noctem (seize the night) coin.




Based on the demand for Jim’s Carpe Diem and Memento Mori themed everyday carry products, it only made sense to have an ecommerce storefront to make these products available to anyone looking for a subtle yet powerful reminder to make the most of every day. Since the launch of Carpe Diem EDC, business has continued to grow steadily thanks to the ever-growing and very welcoming EDC community, and people’s love of sharing and tagging photos of their coins and worry stones on Instagram.

Soon, we will be launching Jim’s third Kickstarter campaign, a minted Viking travel coin for anyone regardless of how far their adventure takes them from home. We hope you are as excited as we are for the future of Carpe Diem EDC, and we look forward to hearing what Carpe Diem and Memento Mori mean to you.




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